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Blog for anyone who is fed up with drinking and smoking.

Jessina Manjaly

Generally in the local library, there is a huge section to help anyone who wants to break away from drinking and smoking. Your General Practitioner can also give you NRT for anyone who finds it helpful.

There are also Allen Carr books, e-books, clinics, and audiobooks. And there is a myriad of resources online and offline.

  1. I found self-reflective Journaling helpful. Journals are available on Amazon UK.

2. The Serenity Prayer is amazing.

3. Allen Carr method has been effective for me.

4. I have a Herbal tea break instead of a smoking break. And fresh air break.

5. Psychotherapy CBT & DBT works well.

6. DBT Manual.

Tough book, worth persisting with the homework manual.

7 Praying has also worked out well for me. Feel free to use the comments section to share your feelings on drinking and smoking.

8 Here is an amusing Sadhguru from India on smoking & addictions.

Thank you for taking the time to read.


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